Clinical reports on cancer

Prostate cancer

70 years old male
Chief Complaint: General fatigue
Past Medical History: Not significant

Current Medical History:
He was diagnosed with prostate cancer with a PSA level of 11.9 in 2003 at a nearby hospital. He was advised to have a surgery, but he had to postpone it temporarily until the inflammation improves, and he was given hormone therapy. However, he had no choice but to discontinue the hormone therapy for the reasons that his tumor markers were not stable and he had strong symptoms which were believed to be the side effects from the hormone therapy, including general fatigue and impotence. In February 2004, he visited our clinic for the reasons that he had been functioned well sexually and that he wanted to cure without surgery and hormone therapy. He began combination therapy of Fucoidan Mix AG and aglycone type isoflavone.

Treatment Outcomes:
His PSA levels were decreased to 0.96 from 10.0, and CT images showed that the tumor was also reduced. Without degrading the quality of life, he became able to live a life while maintaining the sexual function.

※Data taken over the period of treatment
” CT images of pelvis”

Fucoidan Mix AG intake per day: Approximately 8.0g

July 2004
September 2004


【Tumor markers】

February 2004 April 2004 August 2004
PSA(<4.0) 10.0 0.96 3.62 (ng/ml)


【Immune function tests】

April 2004 August 2004
IL-2R (220~530) 338 356 (U/ml)

Data provided by Matsuzaki Memorial Hospital

Prostate cancer

Recurrence of cancer after surgery
Male in the 60s

Chief Complaint: No significant symptoms
Past Medical History: Not significant

Current Medical History:
Post operative of prostate cancer in January 2008, PSA levels elevated to 5.1 in December 2009. He began taking Fucoidan Mix AG from February 2010. PSA levels were dropped to 4.6 in March the same year. However, the PSA levels elevated again to 5.6 in May the same year. We discontinued the fucoidan therapy. Then, his PSA levels elevated to 8.9 in January 2011. He resumed Fucoidan Mix AG therapy together with hormone therapy.

Treatment Outcomes:
The PSA levels dropped from 8.9 to 0.5 . The side effects decreased, and the QOL improved.

※Data taken over the period of treatment

【Tumor markers】
Fucoidan Mix AG intake per day: Approximately 3.5g (From February 2010 to July 2010)
Fucoidan Mix AG intake per day: Approximately 6.0g(From January 2011 to July 2011)
Fucoidan Mix AG intake per day: Approximately 3.0g(From July and after)

December 2009 March 2010 January 2011 April 2011 July 2011
(< 3.5)
5.1 4.6 8.9 1.6 0.5 (ng/ml)
←Fucoidan therapy→ ←Fucoidan therapy was discontinued→ ←Hormone therapy→
←Fucoidan therapy→

Prostate cancer

Recurrence of post operative of prostate cancer
Male in the 60’s
Chief Complaint: No significant symptoms

Past Medical History: Not significant

Current Medical History:
He was diagnosed with prostate cancer in July 2010, and had a surgery in October the same year. Thereafter, he began fucoidan therapy.

Treatment Outcomes:
The PSA levels dropped from 8.14 to 0.01 . He maintained a PSA level at 0.1 even in periodic examinations.

※Data taken over the period of treatment

【Tumor markers】
Fucoidan Mix AG intake per day: Approximately 1.0g

July 2010 December 2010 May 2011
PSA(< 3.5) 8.14 0.01 0.1 (ng/ml)

Fucoidan Mix AG・・・It is composed of mozuku extracted fucoidan, mekabu extracted fucoidan and agaricus mycelium.

Today, active research is conducted on fucoidan and various bioactive functions of fucoidan, such as “anti-cancer action,” “cholesterol-lowering action,” “blood-pressure lowering action” and “anti-virus action,” have been revealed.

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