Clinical reports on cancer


Female in the 100s
Chief Complaint: Fever, wheezing
Past Medical History: Hypertension, diabetes

Current medical history:
She visited the outpatient clinic due to fever and wheezing in February 2017.
She was hospitalized with a diagnosis of pneumonia.
Since she was too old, she did not dare use antibiotics and administered only fucoidan mix AG.

Treatment outcomes:
Her bottom right inflammatory changed improved using only fucoidan mix AG treatment so she could leave the hospital.

《X-ray images of the chest》
Fucoidan mix AG intake per day: Approximately 1.0g

February 6th 2017
February 20th 2017
October 2017


【Tumor markers】

April 2019 October 2019
NT-proBNP (<125) 261 520 (pg/ml)


Pneumonia , Chronic heart failure hatred

Female in the 90s
Chief Complaint: No significant symptoms
Past Medical History: Using warfarin, osteoporosis

Current medical history:
She went to an outpatient clinic for bloody sputum in March 2018.
She was hospitalized for diagnosis of pneumonia and chronic heart failure hatred.
She was hospitalized and administered 1 L of oxygen and antibiotics.
Because of poor renal function, she was treated with a combination of fucoidan mix AG 1.0 g.

Treatment outcomes:
After starting medical combination treatment of fucoidan mix AG , pneumonia and chronic heart failure improved and pleural effusion decreased and disappeared over time so she could stop oxygen inhalation and leave the hospital.

《CT images of the chest》
Fucoidan mix AG intake per day: Approximately 1.0g

March 2018
April 2018
August 2018


【Tumor markers】

May 2018 September 2018 November 2018
NT-proBNP (<125) 1505 1482 1395 (pg/ml)


Squamous cell lung cancer

Female in the 80s
Chief Complaint: No significant symptoms
Past Medical History: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and overactive bladder

Current medical history:
She had been receiving treatment for the CDPD and overactive bladder. CT images of the chest which were taken during a COPD follow-up examination dated May 2011 indicated a 1cm tumor in the left chest. Further, SCC, which is a tumor marker, showed a high level of 20ng/ml, obtaining a diagnosis of lung squamous cell cancer. She did not wish invasive tests and treatments due to the old age. Therefore, after providing sufficient information on fucoidan, she began fucoidan mono-therapy.

Treatment outcomes:
After taking 2.0g of Fucoidan Mix AG per day, her SCC levels decreased to 0.7 from 20.0. X-ray images and CT images indicated the disappearance of the tumor.

※Data taken over the period of treatment

《X-ray images of the chest》

Fucoidan Mix AG intake per day: Approximately 2.0g

May 2011
October 2011


《CT images of the chest》

Fucoidan Mix AG intake per day: Approximately 2.0g



【Tumor markers】

May 2011 October 2011
SCC(≦ 1.5) 20.0 0.7 (ng/ml)

Fucoidan Mix AG・・・It is composed of mozuku extracted fucoidan, mekabu extracted fucoidan and agaricus mycelium.

Today, active research is conducted on fucoidan and various bioactive functions of fucoidan, such as “anti-cancer action,” “cholesterol-lowering action,” “blood-pressure lowering action” and “anti-virus action,” have been revealed.

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