Clinical reports on cancer

Thyroid Papillary Carcinoma, Type 2 Diabetes, COPD, Chronic Heart Failure

Male in the 70s
Chief Complaint : No significant symptoms
Past Medical History : Type 2 Diabetes, COPD and Chronic Heart Failure

Current Medical History :
He was admitted to our hospital and given medical treatment of thyroid papillary carcinoma, COPD and chronic heart failure. For thyroid papillary carcinoma, he desired to receive a follow-up examination. During hospitalization, we found bilateral pleural effusion (R/O carcinomatous pleural effusion). Also, as NT-pro BNP showed a high value of 1457, we started administering a diuretic agent etc. Although pleural effusion was reduced for a while, on October 4, 2016, due to a decrease in oxygen saturation in blood and an increase in NT-pro BNP, we administered Fucoidan Mix AG (1g) concurrently.

Treatment Outcomes :
On January 19 2017, the value of NT-pro BNP decreased from the one at the time of hospitalization and pleural effusion disappeared.

《Chest CT》
Fucoidan Mix AG intake per day: Approximately 1.0g (October 2016)

September 2016
January 2017

【Tumor Markers】

September 2016 October 2016 January 2017
NT-proBNP (< 125) 1457 5965 1269 (pg/ml)

Fucoidan Mix AG・・・It is composed of mozuku extracted fucoidan, mekabu extracted fucoidan and agaricus mycelium.

Today, active research is conducted on fucoidan and various bioactive functions of fucoidan, such as “anti-cancer action,” “cholesterol-lowering action,” “blood-pressure lowering action” and “anti-virus action,” have been revealed.

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